Young Engineer Submission Guidelines

  • The Young Engineer session is dedicated to high-level engineering projects that can fit either good undergrad work or early postgrad work.

  • Authors are required to demonstrate the impact of their engineering work; however, the needed novelty as research work is not necessary at the Young Engineer session.

  • Authors are needed to submit a single-page paper following the IEEE publication format.

  • All submitted ONE papers will appear in the proceedings on the conference website, but as a one-page IEEE limit, they will not be in IEEE Xplore.

  • Registered Papers

One of the authors of the paper must be registered on April 6, 2025. If this is not possible due to funding or visa issues, another registered attendee must be identified to serve as a presenter before the conference start date.

  • To ensure a high standard of quality and consistency, all poster submissions for the ICEENG-2025 Conference must adhere to the following guidelines.

  1. Poster Format:

  • Posters must be in A0 size (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm) in portrait orientation (vertical layout).

  • The poster should include the following sections:

  • Title

  • Authors & Affiliations

  • Abstract

  • Objectives

  • Methodology

  • Key Findings and Significance

  • Conclusion

  • Posters must be written in clear and concise English.

  • Avoid excessive text; focus on key points and visual elements to convey your message.

  • Posters should be visually engaging, with minimal text and high-resolution images, charts, and diagrams.

  1. Design Requirements:

  • Use a clear, legible font (e.g., Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman).

  • The font size of 24 pt for body text and larger for headings.

  • Avoid cluttered layouts and excessive text; focus on concise, well-structured content.

  • Ensure contrasting colors for text and background to maintain readability.

  • Graphics, charts, and tables should be high-resolution and well-labeled.

  • Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to organize content effectively.

  • Avoid overcrowding; leave sufficient white space for a professional appearance.

  1. Presentation Guidelines:

  • Posters must be presented by at least one of the authors during the conference poster session.

  • Presenters should be prepared to give a brief explanation of their work (3–5 minutes) and answer questions from attendees.

  • A QR code linking to further research material (e.g., a full paper, dataset, or video presentation) is encouraged but optional.


For any questions or clarifications, please contact the organizing committee at